Gluten-Free on the Road

I am planning on going a road trip!

Gluten-Free on the road, no access to cooking machines, limited electricity and stretching out what we have.

It might get a little hectic, but I am always game for a challenge!

I love going on road trips. Sometimes they are weekend long trips, sometimes they are month long trips. Couch surfing, camping, sightseeing, bike riding in new territories.

Here is what we are stocked up on:

  • Tangerines
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Trail mix I made from bulk items (coconut flakes, raisins, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, hemp seeds, almonds)
  • Beef Jerky (I am excited to try KRAVE Jerky!)
  • Cookies & more cookies (I made oatmeal raisin & peanut butter)
  • Peanut butter
  • Homemade sauerkraut (gotta have Probiotics!)
  • Miso Soup packets (thanks a lot Edward & Sons Company!)

I also have lots of dried beans, rice and an electric wok. We’ll see if that’ll get any use.

Meat & veggie shish kabobs are born on the road! (Okay, not really, but that is the time I tend to eat these more often.)

When I travel, I bring my kitchen with me. Who else carries a reusable grocery bag full of spices?!

I hope to document eating healthy while living out of my car/friends house/traveling anywhere.

I notice I usually eat more paleo-ish while traveling, especially since I am not baking in the oven.


Ole Opal in the Summertime, Colorado

Happy Eatin’!

Apple Cinnamon Muffins (Vegan & Gluten-Free)

Fiber, protein & healthy fats all rolled into one delicious little muffin! How can you go wrong with apples & cinnamon?


You must try one of these treats. Hard to tell they are vegan & gluten-free! Great fuel to start your day.

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